Sarah Lucas, Lloyd Banking Group
Sarah Lucas
Head of Product and Architecture
Lloyd Banking Group

Sarah’s role as Head of Core Platform & Migration Services, focuses on building and transforming the platforms of the future and migrating products and services from legacy platforms to where they can offer best value and service to the customer. Her role also looks at the way technology change is introduced and new technology services, redesigning for automation and data-driven decision making to make the route to live simpler and more resilient. Sarah’s strong background in both finance and technology enables her to easily navigate the everchanging business and technology landscape and having a passion for change, she has completed digital and cloud transformations across various sectors. Sarah was a winner of the 2022 HPE Future CIO 100 and was named ‘Hero of the Year’ at the Women in Tech Excellence Awards 2020, both of which recognises UK tech's most dynamic and influential leaders. Sarah is now a regular on the judging panel for the WiT awards.